Micro-Credentials and Digital Badges

MSU Denver academic departments and other university units may create, design, and award micro-credentials, signified by digital badges, which are associated with MSU Denver. These may be awarded to students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other community partners for either the completion of specific experiences or achievements, or for the demonstration of specific competencies. These achievements and competencies can be associated with the completion of academic work, campus activities, or initiatives. Digital badges will be awarded via an electronic platform and can be incorporated into a student’s professional online presence or e-portfolio, such as LinkedIn.

University Micro-Credentials and Digital Badges can include academic components, but the badge itself does not produce academic credit and is not transcripted.

MSU Denver's policy on Micro-Credentials and Digital Badging is available on the University Policy Library Website.

Micro-Credential and Digital Badging Policy

Not what you’re looking for? For information on MSU Denver Identification Badges, please visit the ID Station Website.

MSU Denver Identification Badges

Getting Started - Proposal Process

Badge Proposal Requirements

  • A designated micro-credential program manager, identified either by position or department  
  • A description of the purpose and scope of the credential (including required courses, or parts of courses, with academic credit). 
  • A list of measurable outcomes (competencies, skills, experiences or knowledge) or achievements associated with the credential. 
  • A list of artifacts that must be submitted by the individual pursuing the micro-credential in order to demonstrate mastery of the articulated outcomes and the realization of the credential, and a description of the mechanism for creating and submitting the artifacts. For example, a project completed for a class associated with the micro-credential, a written reflection on an experience or achievement, or observation of an oral presentation. 
  • A description of how artifacts will be assessed in alignment with the articulated outcomes, or an evaluation tool such as a rubric. 
  • A letter of support from the administrator or office committing resources to ensure the success of the program. For example, proposals from academic departments should include letters of support from their dean or the dean’s designee, while proposals from non-academic departments should include letters of support from the appropriate head of that unit.  
  • (This does not apply to micro-credentials without academic credit where all the competencies are assessed in noncredit courses through Innovative and Lifelong Learning.)

2024-2025 Digital Badge Bulletin

View our most recent academic micro-credential offerings by reviewing our 2024-25 Digital Badge Bulletin.

2024-2025 Digital Badge Bulletin

Office of Curriculum, Academic Effectiveness, and Policy Development

Academic Affairs

Email Us

Badging Contact Information:

[email protected]

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