About this Major

The Nutrition Science major provides students interested in graduate level nutrition study, food science study or professional health programs (e.g. physician assistant, medical doctor, physical therapy). The Nutrition Science major provides a heavier emphasis on the sciences than the Nutrition and Dietetics major. The Nutrition Science major does not prepare students to become Registered Dietitian Nutritionists and instead focuses on better preparing students interested in advanced study post-graduation.

The Nutrition Science major meets the demanding science admission requirements for nutrition and/or food science graduate programs nationwide. Further, this major is beneficial to pre-professional health program students at MSU Denver because it

  1. prepares them to better understand the science and relationships between the diet and human health,
  2. is designed to meet the admission requirements for most professional health programs (e.g. physician assistant, medical doctor, accelerated nursing program)
  3. suits the growing demand for a more preventive healthcare focus in professional health programs.

Students interested in using the Nutrition Science degree for professional health or graduate programs post-graduation, are encouraged to review the admissions requirements for programs of interest. After reviewing these requirements, students should meet with an advisor in the Department of Nutrition to develop a plan for completing all prerequisites for their post-graduate program interests.

Undergraduate Tuition and Fees

MSU Denver mascot Rowdy in celebratory pose in front of Tivoli.


Thank you for considering a gift to Department of Nutrition undergraduate student scholarships!

Your tax-deductible donation will be used to help the Department of Nutrition continue to provide scholarships to Nutrition Science students.

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For more information on the Nutrition Science major, please contact the Department of Nutrition. Click below to send us an email!

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Department of Nutrition


Office Location:
West Classroom 254

Office Hours:
8:00am – 5:00pm

Mailing Address:
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Department of Nutrition
Campus Box 33N
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362

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